Role of Yoga Prana Vidya Protocols as Complementary Medicine for Female Reproductive System: A Successful Confirmed Pregnancy Case of IVF Patient

Role of Yoga Prana Vidya Protocols as Complementary Medicine for Female Reproductive System: A Successful Confirmed Pregnancy Case of IVF Patient

Publications: International Journal Of Pharmaceutical And Bio-Medical Science

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Ms. Shweta N. Nayak
YPV Level 2 & Level 3 trainer, Pune, Maharashtra, India

Falguni Shah
YPV HDP1 healer, Pune, Maharashtra, India

Dr. Venkata Satyanarayana Nanduri
Consultant, Research & Publications, Yoga Prana Vidya Ashram, Sri Ramana Trust, Thally-635118 Tamilnadu, India

Abstract :

Introduction: Infertility is a sensitive problem, but only few couples access assisted reproductive technologies (ART), such as IVF (In vitro fertilization). Research shows that the success rate of any ART procedure is below 30% at best. This paper presents a patient case of two unsuccessful IVF attempts by a couple, but in the third attempt of IVF they achieved successful pregnancy using Yoga Prana Vidya (YPV) intervention as complementary modality. 

Method: This paper uses case method going through medical reports, healers’ reports and patient’s and patient’s relative’s feedback on the results. 

Results: After 3 weeks of daily YPV healings, the subject’s 3rd attempt of IVF was successful, evidenced by the Ultrasound report confirming two foetuses. The subject’s health parameters were normal. 

Conclusion: Integrated Yoga Prana Vidya (YPV) system of healing and practice protocols have been helping the patients holistically to normalise their condition in physical, mental and emotional dimensions. YPV is simple yet very versatile system of proven protocols as complementary and alternative medicine, and it is recommended for all healthcare professionals to learn and practice YPV to complement in their areas of specialisation. Further research on application of YPV for improving human reproduction system may be conducted on appropriate sample to study the results on wider population.
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