Relationship Healing Using Yoga Prana Vidya (Ypv) Healing Protocols: An In-depth Case Study

Relationship Healing Using Yoga Prana Vidya (Ypv) Healing Protocols: An In-depth Case Study

Publications: International Journal of Research – GRANTHAALAYAH

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Utkarsh Kumar
Certified YPV Healer & Trainer, Research Department, Yoga Prana Vidya Ashram, Sri Ramana Trust, Thally-635118, Tamil Nadu,

Ruby Singh
Certified YPV Healer & Trainer, Research Department, Yoga Prana Vidya Ashram, Sri Ramana Trust, Thally-635118, Tamil Nadu,

Venkata Satyanarayana Nanduri
Consultant, Research and Publications, YPV Ashram, Sri Ramana Trust, Thally – 635118, Tamil Nadu, India.


Abstract :

Introduction: The idea of relationship maintenance strategies, which encompasses a variety of acts and behaviours people take to preserve and strengthen their connections with partners, is a major focus of research on beginning, sustaining, and ending relationships. In this paper, the authors have examined and provided strategic applications of Yoga Prana Vidya (YPV) healing practice protocols in a comprehensive case study of a 45-year-old woman who met her obstacles and brought about a total transformation and turnaround in her marriage and family structure.

Method: An in-depth case evaluation method is used in this study, with relevant data
collected from the Healers who attended to the subject, and a semi-structured interview with the subject.

Results: After healing of one week, the improvements started. The subject woman started feeling calm. Earlier she used to feel angry about her husband all the time and she was stressed. After one month of healing, she was feeling calmer. After 3 months of regular practice, she experienced positive changes in her husband. After 6 months she began to realise her weaknesses and shortcomings. Through open communications with her husband, divorce cases were dropped, her relationships all around improved.

Conclusions: Learners and practitioners of Yoga Prana Vidya (YPV) have reported profound changes in their lives because of regular healing (self and others), YPV Psychotherapy protocols, Forgiveness Sadhana, and Planetary Peace meditation (PPM), among many other protocols that are available for study and practice. Restoring relationships brings about long-lasting improvements in social harmony and domestic peace. It is advised to do more research with suitable samples and techniques.

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