A Case of Perceived Black Magic Attack: Successful Treatment, Recovery, and Rehabilitation Using Yoga Prana Vidya (Ypv) Healing Protocols

A Case of Perceived Black Magic Attack: Successful Treatment, Recovery, and Rehabilitation Using Yoga Prana Vidya (Ypv) Healing Protocols

Publications: International Journal of Research- GRANTHAALAYAH

Article link: https://doi.org/10.29121/granthaalayah.v12.i9.2024.5798


Madhavi Malipeddi,
Senior YPV Trainer and Certified YPV Healer, New Delhi, India

Venkata Satyanarayana Nanduri,
Consultant, Research and Publications, YPV Ashram, Sri Ramana Trust, Thally, Tamil Nadu, India

Abstract :

Introduction: Unquestionably, several modern rising societies continue to use magic, as do most traditional tribes in Asia, Africa, Central and South America, and the Pacific. Medical education believes that a great deal of traditional beliefs are unscientific. Some studies tried to identify the typical symptoms of perceived black magic. This paper describes the case of a middle-aged woman affected by a perceived black magic attack whose symptoms have been treated successfully using Yoga Prana Vidya Healing Protocols.

Method: The qualitative research method is used in this study of an in-depth case research. Data was collected from the victim’s perspective through a self-narrated story supplemented with an interview transcript. Triangulation is used in the form of interview transcripts to collect relevant data from the perspectives of the two YPV healers to verify and confirm the case details for validity and confirmability.

Results: Analysis of data collected from all sources confirms the reported symptoms and the circumstances that led to the patient’s ordeal. The primary symptoms of physical pain, mental and emotional agony were healed within 25 sessions spread over 1 ½ months. The secondary symptom of panic attacks took about 6 months to recede and the patient feels fully normal.

Conclusion: This study shows that the YPV system has powerful protocols to deal with psychic and black magic attacks successfully. YPV system offers healer training programmes to all recovered patients to become healers themselves for healing self and others. Further research may be conducted with appropriate samples to learn more about this phenomenon.

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