

Ignorance is bliss – is it ?

Ignorance is bliss – is it ? Ignorance is a bliss has been a saving grace for many of us in many situations where we have turned a blind eye to something just to avoid any confrontation  but what happens when Ignorance is a bliss become a way of life.  Many of us due to societal conditioning or norms are taught since our childhood to ignore or avoid confrontation and brush...

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“The Dweller in the threshold “ – What does it mean ? 

“The Dweller in the threshold “ – What does it mean ?  If you have attended our great mentor and founder of YPV Shri NJ  Reddy sir’s online session you might have heard him using this term while blessing after meditation so I decided why not further delve into it  and understand what “the dweller on the threshold” actually means Origin : Dweller in the Threshold was coined by novelist and English...

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Why do we resist change ?

Why do we resist change ?  Change is an inevitable reality of life . Being alive means undergoing constant change . If we accept the process of change it often leads to transformation .  A caterpillar undergoing  metamorphosis and transforming into a butterfly is a perfect example of miraculous and beautiful change .  Nature in its essence thrives on change and process of transformation . How are we different from our environment?...

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You can’t pour from an empty cup ? 

This saying has been etched in my mind lately . Just like a cup cannot pour water if it doesn’t have any reserve we cannot pour love, happiness , kindness, generosity when we ourselves are running low on those reserves . We are all so caught up in our lives , responsibilities , relationships , career and various commitments that somewhere we have ignored to replenish  our inner spirit and it’s...

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Why Do We Need To Do Inner Purification?

No one can destroy an iron but its own rust can likewise no one can destroy a person but his own mindset can.    If you have attended the YPV forgiveness session, there are many invaluable teachings that are imparted there, in the words of mentor-like smell is faculty of the nose, sight is faculty of eyes, WILL is a  faculty of the mind.    Will is a very powerful instrument...

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Deeper Understanding Of Energy Exchange

What is energy exchange?  Energy exchange is the energy flowing between one person to another. When the energy exchange between two people is coherent in nature the energy field is amplified further improving the connection and relationship between two people.   How does it work?  Like an electrical circuit, there’s an energy circuit that is vital to be completed in the process of energy exchange. This means that if we...

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